My daughter editing my mural at Passages Bookshop. MY DAY issues 1-40 on display and for sale at Passages Bookshop in NE Portland till February 25th 2017.
Author: admin
Winter News
UncategorizedHappy Solstice!
This winter I will be instructing adult drawing, adult letterpress and two youth drawing classes at the Multnomah Arts Center. Check their catalog at or email me. For this school year I am also the resident art teacher for Southwest Charter K-8 School, so, um, register your child for a new school?
Im excited to be showing the My Day book collection in it’s entirety at my old friend David’s amazing Passages Bookshop mid January till the end of February. There will be an opening Saturday, January 14th with readings from James and Chris, live drawing installation by me, booze, and hopefully wild surprises, etc. Email with questions.
MY DAY the first 10 years box set
UncategorizedThe first 10 years of MY DAY (issues 1-35) is available as a box set. The handmade box sets include all issues from 2005-2015, letterpress broadside, statements, bios and catalog. Available at Passages Bookshop and Reading Frenzy in Portland or by emailing me.
MY DAY 38 out now
UncategorizedI decided to focus on Portland’s very large homeless and housing crisis for MY DAY 38. After hearing my neighborhood’s resistance to a proposed homeless shelter THEN hearing our mayor’s decision to sweep the city’s Springwater Corridor of the 500 homeless campers with few alternatives for them, I was left very confused as to the ethics and function of this city. I decided to draw some of the homeless dwellings while walking from my neighborhood to Downtown Portland. Hand printed with paper relief and letterpress. 6×5″ closed. 24pages. Available at Passages Books, Reading Frenzy, and through me. All profits from this book will go to Sisters of the Road, a barter cafe working to end homelessness.
Summer Show!
UncategorizedThis month and next I’ll be showing new and old work concerning the neighborhood that I live in. Over the 3 years that I’ve lived in Sellwood/Westmoreland I’ve made countless etchings, books and drawings that come from my sketchbook that I pack with me every day. I’m very happy to have this art show in my favorite neighborhood coffee shop. Shoot me an email and we can meet at RCCO for a cup of coffee. (image letterpress/linocut).
Float by Peter Broderick
UncategorizedAlmost a decade ago I was asked to illustrate a record cover for my old pal and incredible composer Peter Broderick ( The LP has been out of print for years until Hush Records ( re-released it this year. This is minimal/avant piano compositions at its best!
UncategorizedI can’t believe it’s already here. Over the next couple months Ill be taking time away from instructing my usual youth art camps to spend time in my own studio, HOWEVER Ill be instructing a quick Polyester Plate Lithography Workshop Saturday June 25th from 10-3pm at the Multnomah Arts Center ( Class number: 1049032) and Beginning to Intermediate Letterpress on Saturdays from 10-1pm, July 9th to August 13th ( Class number:1049031) Call or email with any questions!
UncategorizedI’m in the Middle of instructing Letterpress, Children’s Drawing Classes and Adult Drawing Classes at the Multnomah Arts Center this Spring and I have an Upcoming Polyester Lithography Plate Workshop Monday, May 23d from 9:30am-2:30pm. Contact: 503-865-3487. Class# 1044867. Contact me with questions.

My Day #24. Cover: Polyester Lithograph with Letterpress on Found Paper. 2013
Winter Art Classes at MAC
UncategorizedContact: 503.823.2787
Monday evenings in January and February I will be instructing various youth drawing and painting classes. Students will concentrate on the fundamentals of modern art with fun and energy!
Mondays starting January 25th from 930am-1pm I will be instructing Beginning to Intermediate Letterpress. We will work on an antique clamshell press as well as two lovely poster presses. We will start from the ground-up and talk about the basics of relief then move into small and large type setting as well as try our hands at text and image with lino cuts. Class# 1041712
Saturday, January 2nd from 10am-4pm I will be instructing a Polyester Plate Lithography with Chine Colle workshop. This will be a whirlwind of a class and students will leave with a small edition of their beautiful creations. Class# 1042230
Starting Jan 11th on Monday nights I will be instructing MAC’s drawing fundamentals class from 7pm-9pm. We will concentrate on classic drawing exercises with a hefty dose of experimentation. Only a couple seats left! Class# 1041652
All winter Ill be working many of the MAC’s Tralye print studio open-hours. Come say hi!
Summer art classes here and there.
UncategorizedAll July and August Ill be teaching a slew of youth art camps and classes at the Multnomah Arts Center. Check their catalog at
Sunday, August 16th Ill be teaching a poster-press class at the Independent Publishing Resource Center. Check their catalog at
Tuesday, September 1st Ill be leading a Polyester Plate workshop at the beautiful Sitka Center for art and Ecology. Check their Catalog at
September 14-18th Ill be teaching a 4-day Broadside class at the Multnomah Arts Center. Check their catalog at
Saturday, September 26th Ill be teaching an introduction to letterpress class at the Independent Publishing Resource Center. Check their catalog at