Wheelbarrow. Ink and collage on board. 12.5×18″

Night walk. Mixed media on board. 9×11.5″

Abandoned factory fence. Mixed media on board. 7×11.5″

Lone walker. Mixed media on board. 6×7.5″

Mix up at the Plaid Pantry. Mixed media on board. 12×24″

Here/There. Mixed media on board. 9×12″

Swimming Off I84. Mixed media on board. 9×12″

Man Resting. Mixed media on board. 12×9″

Figure Roller Skaters. Mixed media on board. 11.5×9″

Soccer Players in Empty Duck Pond. Charcoal, Casein and Gouache on rag Paper. 2016. 9×8.5 inches.

The Tramp. Brush Pen, Pencil, Correction Fluid on Rag Paper. 2015. 10.5X14 inches.

These Are Your Colors Too. Brush Pen, Gouache On Rag Paper. 2016. 8X10 Inches.

The Nehalem River with Sun. Pencil, Casein on rag Paper. 2015. 11X7.5 inches.

Snowstorm at Willamette Falls. Soot, Marble dust, Casein on hardboard. 2014. 31X26 inches.

The Tramp. Wood-burn and pencil on found wood.

The River with Rain. Wood-burn and Pencil on cedar.

Basketball Game. Wood-burn, pencil on found wood.

The Rain Tree. Wood-burn, oil paint on found wood

The Columbia Gorge. Wood-burn, charcoal on found wood.

E. Wash. Wood-burn on found wood.

The card players. Wood-burn on found wood.

The Reader. Wood-burn, pastel on found wood.

Boy in room. Wood-burn, pastel on found wood.

The Child 2. Soot, Gouache on burlap on hardboard. 2013

Spokane Indians Ballplayer. Gouache, soot on burlap on hardboard. 2014

MT Hood. Soot, Gouach, glue on hardboard. 28X44″. 2014.

The Child 3. Soot, Marble dust on burlap on hardboard. 2014

The Tramp. Handmade charcoal, weeds, glue on hardboard. 48X32 inches. 2012

Aqueduct. Handmade charcoal, pencil, weeds on hardboard. 48X28 inches. 2012

The 109 trees and one stump of Oregon Park. India ink on paper. 2011-12